
Do i have to do prenatal visits every month
Do i have to do prenatal visits every month

At your prenatal visits, we make sure you are also a focus, checking in on how you’re eating, sleeping, and handling the range of pregnancy changes. Most mothers are so focused on their baby’s health, they can neglect their own well-being. And, that leads to the next reason you shouldn’t skip prenatal appointments….

do i have to do prenatal visits every month

A single missed appointment means weeks or even a month or more of time you could have been feeling much better – and improving the health of yourself and your baby. The earlier these issues are identified, the better. We’ll also take urine samples and occasional blood tests to monitor your health, looking out for things like gestational diabetes or preeclampsia so we can create an immediate treatment plan. The information we receive helps us to make better decisions about your pregnancy, labor and delivery plans, or to recommend treatments that might benefit everyone’s overall outcome. Prenatal tests are divided into four general categories: routine, screening, diagnostic, and monitoring. This timing is partially correlated with the tests that we offer at each of these stages to keep track of your baby’s development and his/her health. At first, you’ll only visit your OB or midwife once per month, then twice per month, and then every week – depending on how far along you are. Unless a pregnancy is considered high-risk, prenatal visits will follow a tried-and-true timeline. Timely testing provides critical information The sooner you’ve visited your OB or midwife, the more comfortable you’ll be contacting them if/when you have questions – no matter how big or small – to get expert advice and solutions. Yet, it can also mean serious action needs to be taken. As many as 40% of women experience minimal vaginal bleeding during their first trimester. In the list of “what’s normal, and what’s not,” light vaginal spotting is usually considered normal. Your prenatal visits are information lifelines to help you determine which is which. From that point on, you’ll experience all kinds of symptoms and side effects, some of which may not feel normal – but are and others may feel perfectly normal, but it turns out they’re not. Your body goes through so many changes as the result of your pregnancy, and those changes start happening from the minute a fertilized egg implants into the uterine lining. We can identify smaller issues before they become larger ones Combine that with the measuring and imaging we provide to track baby’s development (who doesn’t want to listen to their own baby’s heartbeat?), and prenatal visits are often some of the most fun and exciting moments along the pregnancy journey. This depends on you making informed choices about what you eat, how much you exercise, the quality of your sleep, and your awareness of what is normal and what isn’t.

do i have to do prenatal visits every month

Your baby is trusting you and your body to carry it safely through from conception to delivery. These are five reasons you should never skip or ignore a prenatal appointment 1. This bond is invaluable, helping you to feel safer and supported as you go through one of the most remarkable milestones of your life.

do i have to do prenatal visits every month

Prenatal Visits Go Beyond the Clinicalįrom the clinical perspective, each one of your prenatal appointments is intentionally designed to assess exactly what’s going on in your body at that point, relative to the most common potential red flags that might arise during that week/trimester.īeyond the clinical, each of your prenatal visits gives you a chance to develop a relationship, and deepen that relationship, with the team of people who will be there for you when you’re ready to deliver your baby. – each of your appointments is designed with you and your baby in mind. While some things may seem unnecessary – measuring the belly, weighing in, etc. Prenatal visits are an essential part of your health – and your baby’s – during the 40ish weeks you will spend together.

Do i have to do prenatal visits every month